
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bunnz boy 26 Oct 1996-4 Aug 2005

This goes out to you my dear bunnz....

u came into my life on 26 Oct 1996. you were such a young boy then...do u rem u had a gf? haha...she was white and grey...sweet and friendly girl she was...every night the both of u would cuddle together and sleep...how sweet... sadly, everything was not meant to be...she passed away 1 mth later due to tooth decay. before we could gv her a proper name. u were devastated. u lie in your cage...not eating...u must have been sad my dear boy...u began to lose weight. i got scared. after i lost ur gf, i didnt wanna lose u as well. i rushed you to the vet. he gave u a jab and some vitamins. you never looked back since. you grew and grew into a healthy, naughty fat lil boy...

you brought me much joy into my life. do you rem you used to do the bunny dance?? ruuuun and hop into the air and twitch! yeah, i learned that was known as the bunny dance. what bunnies do when they are happy. =) you used to come into my room to sleep together with me everynight. when u wanted to go out, u would try to wake me up by jumping on me. i would then wake up and open the room door for you.

you were such an intelligent boy...you toilet trained yourself!! we were so pleasantly surprised!! :D when we were bathing and you wanted to use the toilet, you would use ur paws to scratch on the toilet door. if you could wait, you would wait just outside the toilet till we come out...

years passed...you grew older...by and by you started to forget... you no longer rush out and greet us from wherever you are when we came home. you no longer responded to your name.. or perhaps your hearing started to fail you... you still ate normally but you were losing weight slowly..

i will always rem you bunnz. i thank you for all the joy and frustration u brought me in the 9yrs you were with me. its been close to 10mths since you've left me. and today, i finally have enough courage to pen this down. if you realise, i didn't mention your last day with me?? yes, the pain is still too fresh. i still can't bring myself to write it. perhaps another day?? perhaps never. memories of you will be with me forever Bunnz. and i hope to see you soon. meanwhile, take care of yourself over at the rainbow bridge...

till we meet again... i love you bunnzboy.